Sunday 13 May 2012

Evaluation 4

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and connections of real media products?

Forms and convention are the backbone to any music video, when recording the music video the director could choose to challenge, use or develop forms and conventions. In our music video we mainly used and developed the general forms and conventions found in music videos and didn’t challenge them for instance: a music video would show all the members of the band and we have done just that:

Also a music video should represent the band positively while showing their personality, it is clear that our band is acting wild and out of control just like the majority of rock/pop bands, The female is confident and sassy, she plays around with the feelings of those close to her, this also relates to the lyrics “love hurts weather its right or wrong”.

A music video should also use bright colours and clear lighting, we have done so as the music was shot during the day and in a white room. In the photo below you can clearly see the light bouncing of Vida's face and hair.

Lastly a music video should have fast cuts which synchronize with the track, by clicking on the link to our music video on the post above you can clearly see that we have done so.

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