Saturday 12 May 2012

Completed CD cover, Inside cover, Back cover and Poster

For our album cover we decided to do a fashion style photo shoot with a variety of camera angles. Here are few examples of what we took from our trip to Holborn Studios:

Here, Vida is grabbing her hair, with a seductive look to the camera. She has a lipstick on which is a symbolise love and passion and that is what the music video is about. The way she poses also means that she is very confident.

We did not have any plans for capturing any close ups, but by chance we took some and we actually liked them. Therefore decided to use one as the inside cover.

We also did a couple of medium long shots, this is Vida's favourite image and we will be using it for album back cover with the names of the album tracks and EMI record label (EMI is the record company for our production).

And this is the promo poster, with the name of the album: What The Hell (which is also the song's name) and some information regarding the production company. 

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