Thursday 10 May 2012

Mise - En - Scene

Characters in videos build up main part of the narrative which takes place in especific locations with especific props, proper lights and in suitable costumes. So mise-en-scene as an important factor in making a video attractive and succesful, tell us the charactors personality and their story. Mise en scene is made up of Characters, Location, Props, Lighting, Sound, Costumes, and basically anything that the audience can see on screen.

For our music Video we have put our best effort to design a scene relevant to the story and the charactors which I will explain step by step in details through elements of mise en scene.

   Characters and Costumes 

Rebel girl (Vida). She dresses in a funky and a teenage style to suit the target audience taste and the song which is pop punk. She wears red body suit with black tights. Body suit is what pop stars like Rihanna, Katy Perry, Jessie J and a lot more singers normally wear in their videos. Colour red is because of her being sexy and playful who goes on different dates! The same is with her golden Heart necklace. In the video she's the vocalist, dancer and the guitarist.

The modest boy who becomes a rebel at the end(Mohammad). He is wearing a ripped off trousers with red t-shirt. Red t-shirt is because of him being romantic and in love. He is playing spanish guitar in the video. 

His friend who the girl is playing around with (Chester). He is wearing a baggy jeans, with a white shirt and ties, so punkish that suits his proud character which attracts the girls! In the video he will be playing electric guitar.  

    Locations and Settings 

The story is taking place in different locations. It starts from inside Vida's flat, where the story begins. Her room is decorated with her pictures and the couples. Camera zooms in to show Vida's pictures on the, then it pans to her pictures with Mohammad, then after Chester appears in front of the camera. 

For this shot we had to print out 60 coloured A4 pictures with 4 pictures on each. then cutting out each one and stick to the wall.

External streets with graffiti on 
walls in the background, in places like Brick lane or Hoxton. 

Vida's hair suits the graffiti in the background and the woman in green skin is good for green screen effects in imovie.

We have used these two shots in our video. They are shot in Brick Lane, London. 


Low lights with a few tonal flash lights such as red, yellow and green (like the ones in clubs and discos) while the main female artist is dancing and having fun. While recording other shots we will use normal day or light sources. We also use red and blue tracy papers to make our video more colourful and meaningful. Red implies sexuality and love, while blue can mean coldness in a relationship.

Since the song is an upbeat and fast paced it inspires crazy shots from weird angles. We decided to take a camera with us to a party locations such as the Coronet Theatre on Halloween (Oct 31st 2011). We recorded some good shots of people raving and drinking in the club which we will insert into our video. 

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