Monday 24 October 2011

Textual Analysis 2

The next music video that I will be analysing is ‘Kesha’s – Tik Tok’, this is also an extremely popular song which features dancing and singing which are themes that run through my chosen song.

The song begins with Kesha waking up in a bath tub staggering her way out to the sink to brush her teeth, during this short moment there are flash blacks which last a split second of the previous night from this I can assume that she has been drinking excessively and partying to hard as she cannot manage to make it to her bed. Just as in Miley Cyrus’s music video Kesha is also wearing extremely short shorts which show off her long legs, a white T-shirt which hangs around shoulders so as to reveal her bra strap and an extreme amount of jewellery.

The music video is shot in America and includes a few locations. The first location is within her parent’s house, as she comes down stairs she is acting rebellious and shocks her family by the way she is dressed, a close up of her mother with her jaws wide open is shown next cutting to a shot of her legs as she drops the children’s breakfast followed by a wide shot of the entire family sitting elegantly around the kitchen table. Kesha then rides of on a golden bicycle followed by a long drive with a stranger who picks her up from the street, during her drive she is dancing in a wild manner from this I can infer that she is rebellious, childish and care-free.

Like in most recent pop songs the lyrics are meaningless and the voice of the singer is semi-decent, they would use auto tune to enhance their tone and give a better performance however the singer would generally have attractive figure which would be emphasised in the music video, the boys would want to get with her and the girls would want to be like her. The music video would often include a male partner but he would be just there to make out with the female.

Only two video effects were used during the whole duration of the music video; one of them were a black and white shot when she was pedalling her bicycle down the streets of America and the other was a slow motion shot when she was grinding on the ground, the slow motion effect enables the viewers to focus on her sexuality as everything seems ‘sexier’ when slowed down.

Clubbing, drinking alcohol and partying is all represented in this music video as being enjoyable, it seems as though they are having a blast when in reality they could be bored to death. We don’t get to see a true representation because the speed of the footage is too fast, a lot of quick cuts are used when she is partying which keeps the viewers eyes glued to the screen as they won’t want to miss a second.

The video is bright and colourful which attracts younger people’s attention, the colour yellow (gold) runs through the music video and that colour symbolises wealth and prosperity. The lighting is all natural except for the scene where she was partying at a friend’s basement, a strobe light was flashing vigorously causing a slow motion effect, there was also a giant projector which beamed lights of many colours into the room and this dramatically changed the mood of the room.

The primary target audience of Kesha would be 12-16 year old school girls and a secondary target audience of 17-20 year old females, the reason why girls are the main target audience is because they enjoy pop songs where the main actor would be  ‘rebellious’ and ‘fun’ as they could also implement certain aspects of her behaviour into their lifestyle.

The music video was fast paste and contained a variety of shots; I could include certain shot types the director has used in this music video such as the long of Kesha when she was sitting in front of a plain yellow singing, this type of footage is easily replicated as no expensive equipment is needed to move the camera eg a crane shot.

Overall, Kesha’s – Tik Tok music video fits perfectly with our song choice as it includes codes and convention of a general pop song.

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