Thursday 20 October 2011


For my A2 project we will be creating a full length music video with a small group (Mohammed Ibrahim and Vida Tankas). To document my project I have set up a blog which I will update thoughout the course of the year. Within the music video I will incorporate all the knowledge I have learnt from AS to make my project as professional as possible. For example, we used specific tools on photoshop to create a music magazine front cover at AS such as the 'airbrush', 'magic wand' and 'background eraser' and blended many layers of images to create the final front cover. This will be useful for producing the ancilary texts.

After we have decided on a song we will look at existing music videos and analyse them carefully considering the mise-en-scene (everything on the screen such as editing, camera angles, props, location, characters and costumes) in these video's and think how our project could resemble or duplicate their conventions. 

Obviously we have to be realistic considering the budget of the task. For instance, we will not be able to afford to rent a helicopter for an aerial shot of a location in the Sahara desert! However, I can certainly afford to re-create a low angle shot or montage editing. To complete a successful project we will maximize the use of the technology available to us and consider what the target audience would want to see in our music video.

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