Saturday 22 October 2011

Steve Archer's Theory

Music videos will incorporate certain elements which will determine the type of the music video for example if a music video contains a band performing their act (“The Nearly Dead’s – fact and friction”) would be known as a ‘performance’

Mostly rock and indie bands would shoot their music video as a performance as there is an emphasis on the instruments and individual players, it is also much cheaper and feasible for a low budget music video. If the music video predominately shows a story of some sort then this type of music video is known as a ‘narrative’; In this type of music video the the musician would often tell the story of thier past be it love, lost, relationship, partying e.t.c.
  Steve Archer's Theory states that “There needs to be a strong and coherent relationship between narrative and performance in music promos” our production will feature a extremly strong and coherent relationship. Our music video is about love and being young, certain aspects which you would see in our music video is lust, cheating, relationships and fun.

“Music videos will cut between a narrative and a performance of the song by the band.” This will be completed using iMovie (a editing software found on mac), hopefully the audience would be able to follow along.

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