Tuesday 1 November 2011

Target Audience

In order to make commercial success in media productions, the first thing for a producers to consider before making decisions on production and mise en scene is the target audience. It involves researches into the age, gender and ethnicity and their expectations and interests.

The target audience that ties in with our song is teenagers. We then did a questionnaire asking people about their favourite songs and generall information on music videos.

Our questionnaire is as followed:

Dear Friend, Here Is A Confidential Questionnaire For My Music Video, As A Part Of The Production Work For A2 Media Studies, I Appreciate You Cooperation.

Age..........  Sex...........  Ethnicity......
Favourite Music Genre.....................

What A Pop Star is?

How Do Pop Stars Dress Like? 

What Language Do They Normally Speak? 

How Old Are They Usually?

What Are The Songs About?

Have You Ever Heard Of Any Song Called “What The Hell”? What Can The Song Be Possibly About, whether Or Not You Have Heard It?

What Do You Like To See In Music Videos?

Do You Like To See Bands Playing And People Dancing In Music Videos?

Can You Make Up A Brief Story About The Song “What The Hell” ?


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