Thursday 3 November 2011

Global Audience

How can we make the character in the music video a global icon?
What features of the music video have a global appeal?

Avril Lavigne, is an international superstar, whose fans are from almost every country across the globe. She goes on different tours and performs in different continents.

This video shows Avril Lavigne's fans in Hong Kong on her Black Star Tour, and she explains the rest of the tour on South East Asia being to Beijing, Shanghai, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and then to South America.

Globalisation is the idea of the world becoming a smaller place due to technology and media, and is transformation of traditions into a fusion of traditions. For example McDonald's McArabia's meal is a popular pita bread sandwich in some Arabic countries, or Coca Cola being the world's first popular word. 

Globalisation in music may result into disposal of local instruments and music. However globalisation can bring together people from all around around the world and unify them in the way they live, they dress, they talk or even they way they think.

One of the ways to makes a music video successful is to make it internationally attractive to it's viewers.

This is how we tried to make our video globally popular:

Shots locations:
The video is filmed on the streets of London, an international destination which makes it globally significant. Youths from all around the world might be interested in London so it would be attractive for them to see how Londoners live their lives and how they dress up. 

Lyrics with a universal theme:
Lyrics are about relationships, people breaking up or cheating one another, something that anyone has experienced somehow in their lives, it makes the lyrics easier for people to relate with. The lyrics are about a relationship, she is breaking up with her boyfriend and wants to have her own freedom.

Universally recognisable characters: 
young people wanna have fun! We feature people with different races in the music video. The protagonist is an Iranian girl. A young, attractive and dynamic pop star who girls will want to be and guys will want to get with. The antagonist is a Somalian boy.  

The language of the music video:
The language in the music video is important in terms of making it understandable by a majority of people all around the globe, as English is the most popular second language, it makes the music video internationally viewable.  

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